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Hinze Dam: Parents & Children Camp


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Good morning AFO,

Over the weekend I ran another Parents and Children camp at Hinze Dam. It is the first time I have actually been on the dam since the wall went up and it was nice to be back. A lot of the land marks have changed but it is still a stunning dam to fish. The parents and children starting rocking up after that massive storm in Brisbane on Friday evening. The storm caused many to be delayed and there was obviously some concern over the weather for the weekend. However the call was made to roll the dice and chance it and the gamble paid off. The only significant rain we experienced for the weekend was on the Saturday night while we were sleeping which to say the least was quite pleasant. 

Saturday turned out to be a cracker and after a detailed demonstration on how to use the boats, tie lines and bait hooks the families were off. This is one of the things I love about these camps. Although everything is explained a lot of independence is required on the water. Of course myself and Steve are driving around helping out but it is great to see how many children thrive on being resilient and independent. Of course with live shrimp being provided some great fish were caught.


What was great to see was the average size of fish being quite big (most over 40cm). This caused many a bent rod and fun. Although we keep fish for a feed, the concept of a stocked impoundment, bag limits and the importance of only keeping what you need is always stressed.A lot of fish went back over the weekend including a 49cm tagged fish which I will submit the information for.


Once back at the cabins it was time for a filleting lesson and then to get the fire going (something we largely leave to the children). It is awesome when actually given the opportunity how sensible children are with these so called risky activities. It was great to see fishing camp veteran Mikayla refine her filleting skills once again. She independently filleted, skinned and boned 6 fish which I dare say is something few children (and so adults) can claim.


For anyone out there with children at school, it might be worth getting in your P&C's ear. These camps are just brilliant at getting children out there and strongly support those that are not regulars by providing literally everything needed. 

It was a great weekend and I cannot wait for the next one.


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39 minutes ago, kmcrosby78 said:

@Angus I'll happily mention to both my son's schools P & C as well as the one I teach at. Are you able to explain the basic process involved (I can call you if it's easier)?  Oh and great work mate, the smiles on the kids (and parents) says it all!!  And yep, some quality fish caught too :) 

I will write a detailed post tomorrow. Just about to put my wee man down. The ones I do are for anyone it is just word of mouth that makes it camp hill dominated. You should come to the june camp :P

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2 hours ago, Glenn S said:

@Angus Bring a jumper and tracky dacks, it gets pretty cold out there when the wind is up! I'm sure you will find some schools, a lot of guys fish own near the quarry at that time of year but you still get heaps in the timber :)


Cheers, Glenn.

I love the cold mate. We used to do an AFO winter camp every year up there! Fire is so much better.

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8 hours ago, Angus said:

I will write a detailed post tomorrow. Just about to put my wee man down. The ones I do are for anyone it is just word of mouth that makes it camp hill dominated. You should come to the june camp :P

I think that a few AFO ers would be interested. I think that terrova would be a possibility. One of my best memories was a father and son camp with Binder and my 2 grandsons down there.It was amazing how a group of kids who have never met before bond together and have a great time.

Might be worth a seperate post to see how many would be interested.



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