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Anzac Day At Mud

Old Scaley

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Well, since Julian has requested more reports I thought I should chuck one up.

The weather looked too good to stay home getting sad in front of the box, so arranged to take my youngest boy out for a fish. He is a bit harder to wake up in the morning than I am so we had a later start than planned. Headed for the Port ramp and got there at 7am to find the pandemonium that I was expecting. All the parks were taken, even most of the illegal ones and there were about 6 boats in front of us. So I decided to head to Manly ramp which was much more orderly.

I am avoiding anywhere near the Port until we hear test results from the great Qantas stuff up, so we headed over to the car park known as Mud. Wasn't as bad as I expected and no one was on "my spot", which probably tells me it is a crap spot. The weather just got better and better.

Managed a couple of reasonable tuskies and a decent grassie to take home plus a heap of the usual Mud Nursery bream, squire and grassies.  Home at lunchtime with plenty of time to clean the boat and the fish before the football started.  Sorry the photos are so bad. Not my strong point.




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Nice one Steve, I don't think I've been back out there since we were out that day (although I could be wrong). Great looking conditions!! I had another go at sealing the pinholes in my tinny yesterday so will hopefully chuck it in the water somewhere this weekend - fingers crossed for positive results.

I wondered what Manly would be like on a day like that - so the carpark doesn't fill up? And wasn't too bad when coming back in?

Flick a squid jig at all? Sounds like there are plenty at Green.

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Luv Tuskies. In a high pressure spot that's a great result.

I head further away from high pressure spots to compensate for my lack of skill, some times that doesn't even help.

By the amount of reports it is good to see so many getting into fish. The run of windy weather we had for a few months hopefully will settle soon.

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