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Weekend Magic Weather - Quampie Offshore

Drop Bear

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Met Eye looks amazing for both days this weekend. I am heading offshore on Saturday in Quampie with the family then again in Min Min (fancy Sea Hunt center console) with a mate on Sunday. 

Plan is to jump the bar at about 6.30 Sat and first light on Sunday (around 5.50?ish). It is low tide so will have to be careful both days but with less than 1m swell mostly from the east should be fine. 

I would be happy to meet you at the bar if you wanted to follow someone out. While I am not the most experienced bar crosser I have done this one many times now and feel pretty confident.

I will mostly be targeting Spanish but will try a bit of bottom bashing for Snapper too 

Sat sun.png

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We had a very sick person on board. Towed some lures for about 1 hour then bottom bashed. We only fished for about half an hour. 

Got 2 Moses, 1 JUST legal snapper (kept it as the sick person caught it and really wanted to. It went 35.5) and one Trevally.

I am really excited to see how the 1770 crew went... 


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