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Bangkok fishing parks.


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I will see if I can upload a few videos of a couple of my favourite smaller Thai fishing parks around Bangkok. 

The 1st one is a place called Amazon fishing Park, it's an in town sister park to the bigger Amazon BKK. 

It was actually on an episode of monster carp. 

They have some nice Siamese giant carp, not real monsters but they fight hard and there's lots of them, they have some big pacu, peacock bass and a few other species like that. 

Great food and a shady location. 

Small Siamese giant carp

Arapima fishing Park, this place actually breeds arapima for bigger parks which is their main business. 

They have a couple of really big 150kg+ which I have hooked twice but one came unbuttoned and the other hit a snag and broke free after about ten minutes, but watching a fish that big jump a couple of metres out of the water definitely has me going back to get one, my current PB is 120kg.

They have red tail catfish, alligator gar, Piraiba, tiger fish and many more. But mostly it's a, lot of different sizes of arapima and some great Barra too. 



Other great parks are Amazon BKK, if you like your lure fishing they have some great action to be had, lots of different predators. 

It monster lake, not much of a monster lake for the big fish it has in it, but it gets hit harder by tourists and I find the fish all show signs of mouth damage from being hooked too often and given enough time to heal. 

Barramundi fishing Park in town is brilliant if you want a great day chasing that dream Barra, but usually catching a heap of every other size that beats the big ones too the lure. 


If you want some magnificent fishing there's some big holiday parks with much bigger prices, but these ones are $120-$150 a day for the big parks and you usually have to yourself and that's just brilliant. 

The little parks in town cost about $15-$20 a day, I will put up some Mekong giant catfish videos from one of them, they aren't massive but it's the best days fishing you will ever have for that kind of money. 

The small parks and Amazon BKK you will have to take your own gear, most places don't let you use treble hooks to protect the fish, I like to use circle hooks as they must also be barb less. 

The bigger parks will have gear they prefer you to use but most will let you use your own gear. 

One word to the wise, if you want to actually catch your fish and not have a guide bait your rod, hook your fish and then hand you the rod then avoid bungsamran, they are also way more expensive and fuller. 

Good food and a nice little tackle shop, you can do it yourself but you might want to get someone to mix your bait for you, it's a little tricky to get right, but that's true of all the bait parks, I'd practice making some over here before going and watch a few youtube videos on how to do it. 

And don't underestimate the river fishing, I've caught some small squeaker catfish, put them on a big rod and pulled out meter long catfish and even a couple of 50-60kg freshwater stingrays. 

You can even pull some big wild Mekong catfish out of it too, along with sticks, cloths, toilet seats and assorted other rubbish. 

Fishing for snake head is the real joy, lots of roadside ponds and the local waterways have heaps of them and they are great fun fishing with surface lures like hollow body frogs. 


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