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11/12/07 thready and stingray action


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Went down to the usual spot with duncan (brisbane_boy) and another friend from school. I came down to test out me new baitcaster. Duncan got 1.5kg of large cooked prawns for bait, They are much better and cheaper than the ones from 7/11. First cast and duncan reeled in the usual 55ishcm cattie, threw out again and casted his other rod out, they were both a little bit tangled cos the current is strong, we noticed one of them getting some attention and duncan hooked the fish, he told me to grab the other rod which had a wire trace with a prawn on it, I grabbed it and felt something on the other end, then line started pissing out, and i said \"you might want to reel this one in instead\" we saw it jump and saw it was a nice threadfin, it tried to wrap him around the pilons but duncan just pulled him out on the 25lb line and wire trace, I leant down and pulled it up, it was a nice fish 70cm the best threadfin from that spot. After a few pics it was carefully released. after that he caught an eel and i put a chunk on my shark rod and hooked up to something big it turned out to be a medium sized sting ray wich put up a great fight, we had a good relaxing afternoons fishing. Ill put a couple of pics on

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brisbane_boy wrote:

isnt that always the case angus you get ur best fish after the comp finished :)


Or you catch them the weekend before the comps start :angry:

Great work on the Threaddie and well done on releasing it:cheer:

I promote catch & release, but I can't say that I would release a fish of that calibre:dry:. Can't say I've ever caught one either:silly:

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