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Moses snapper in Brisbane River??


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Hi all

Had an interesting session at Hamilton, Brisbane tonight on the low tide. 5 fish, 1 legal bream. Curious, I got one undersize fish that (based on subsequent Internet research) I think must have been a Moses snapper. I wanted to get it back in the water quickly, so I didn't dwell on it, but later on the Internet I couldn't find any mention of these fish in Brisbane waters. The 'fingermark" was prominent, and I remember a yellowish colour, fairly triangular tailfin. The vertical width was not so  much as a bream, but more than a longer-type fish like a tailor. Overall, it looked closest to a bream, but obviously not the common types.

Has anyone caught these in the Brisbane River?

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2 hours ago, AUS-BNE-FISHO said:

Hey Pete

Yep, Moses Perch. I've caught them off that jetty before. Any threadies or jew?

No such luck, but I'm also not targeting them. They don't take chicken bait, do they?????? I'm also not trying to cast to the channel, as some do at Hamilton with big rods. I'm casting diagonally to the flats where I hoped to get flathead, and did get a 37cm one last night, but not legal.

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1 hour ago, Pete_NewFarm said:

No such luck, but I'm also not targeting them. They don't take chicken bait, do they?????? I'm also not trying to cast to the channel, as some do at Hamilton with big rods. I'm casting diagonally to the flats where I hoped to get flathead, and did get a 37cm one last night, but not legal.

Unlikely for a trheady or jew on chicken, that spot is nice for fishing too, good luck for flatties in the future. 

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