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Threadfin in Brissy River


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Hi guys, Ive been having heaps of success catching threadfin salmon over a meter in the brissy river in the last six months, Ive been looking through all my old fishing mags and a few old almanacs I have but as they seem to be a relativly new addition to the brissy river fishing expierience no one seems to know when they turn up and when they leave. If anyone knows, I'd love to hear. If anyone has any questions about catching them I'd be happy to help although Im sure there are many more expierienced guys here.

Ps If anyone land based feels like fishing from my tinny always up for company.

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they are deffinately breeding in the river i have caught a few little ones only 25-30mm long in the cast net recently

and there are alot of undersized ones about too

they might just disapear when we get a fresh in the river

and reapear next drought

who knows?

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