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Newstead - 21 Apr, before work.


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Hit up newstead for a quick fish before work, tried a non "super tuned" kmart lure, but missed a couple of hookups, switched to a Damiki Vault, but no strikes. Changed to my last SX48 and was pretty quickly onto a bream.

Heading back towards the car trolling I felt a tap, then another tap. kept walking and the lure wasn't doing it's action, I stopped and looked at my line, and sure enough it was still moving. Damn fish took my lure then swam along beside me.

A quick battle and some big runs and I have a massive flattie in the shallow. Unfortunately it was very high tide so there was nothing to climb down onto, so I had to try lift it out. It was heavy enough that the braid was trying to cut into my hands, and then when it was about half way up he shook and the knot failed. DAMN!

He looked and felt bigger than my PB, I'd guess at around 65cm.

no pictures.

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username_taken wrote:

Hit up newstead for a quick fish before work, tried a non "super tuned" kmart lure, but missed a couple of hookups, switched to a Damiki Vault, but no strikes. Changed to my last SX48 and was pretty quickly onto a bream.

Heading back towards the car trolling I felt a tap, then another tap. kept walking and the lure wasn't doing it's action, I stopped and looked at my line, and sure enough it was still moving. Damn fish took my lure then swam along beside me.

A quick battle and some big runs and I have a massive flattie in the shallow. Unfortunately it was very high tide so there was nothing to climb down onto, so I had to try lift it out. It was heavy enough that the braid was trying to cut into my hands, and then when it was about half way up he shook and the knot failed. DAMN!

He looked and felt bigger than my PB, I'd guess at around 65cm.

no pictures.

Never admit your knot failed. better the line broke. lol.

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kevinchen19870316 wrote:

namyau wrote:
kevinchen19870316 wrote:
net that long's really hard to find here. and most 4m nets r too heavy to carry.

plat.co.jp has your answer but not cheap at all

i didn't find it there. may i have a link?

sory kev no link cos surfcontrl prevents me from going there outside of 1200-1330. but if you go clink the "salt game " on the side menu and then look at "landing shaft" you will see. the nest are collapsable they are about 2ft when folded down and you can get ones that extend up to about 5mtrsish. i think the cheapest is about $100au

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username_taken wrote:

shortie wrote:

Never admit your knot failed. better the line broke. lol.

Oh yeah I mean the line snapped just above the knot :D

I was only on 10 pound leader, and he was definately more than 10 pounds, so it was bound to happen. Was too excited about catching something that I didn't think straight :)

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Good job - I've never caught anything landbased trolling - but that's legendary!

Re the net, I bought I 5 ft environet, and a 1.8-3.6m extendable painters pole from bunnings made from fibreglass which is pretty light (having painted with it for the past couple of days in return for permission to purchase :-) ). Mid tide from the board walk (eg today after lunch) it was 8ft even to the water over the railings. At low tide obviously a fair bit more. But, I have a nice peice of reinforced poly tubing (reinforced broom handle) which runs 4", attached to the extension pole will make it 14" with an environet head.

I'm hoping to test it this weekend so I can go back to smaller leaders with the flatties et al. I'll post a pic when I'm done - it will be no masterpeice but should work fine and isn't too heavy. Plus, I can use it to extract my sx-40s from the overhanging trees down at the park which I seem to be catching latetly :-)

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