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Fishing under Story Bridge


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HI mates,

I'll go fishing under story bridge soon(tomorrow or this week-end)and I would like to know if somebody is interested to join.

I'm used to fish a the bottom of the river and take usually many catfish (one day I took a flathead). I try to catch shark with lifebait (catfish)...

If somebody want to teach me how to catch sharks and spend a good fishing afternoon, just let me know!

(PS: I'm not a fluent speaker)

Thanks for your answers mates!

See you

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Mate I don't know if you'll get a shark under the bridge on the KP side. I think its a bit shallow. I've tried a couple of times there but never had any luck. Could just be me though :)

Bring a cast net under there and you should get a few live prawns and mullet. Prawns will get you bream there.

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Do$tylz wrote:

Mate I don't know if you'll get a shark under the bridge on the KP side. I think its a bit shallow. I've tried a couple of times there but never had any luck. Could just be me though :)

Bring a cast net under there and you should get a few live prawns and mullet. Prawns will get you bream there.

do$tylz - i think it's just you... :P the sharks don't care if it's shallow, we often catch them in <2m of water out near the mouth. make sure you livie has plenty of kick, if there is lots of bait around all the better. it is a bit cold for them to be very active at this time of year, they definately are still there but just not as active as summer. you might be lucky and score a hook up! with catties, it also helps i've found if you (carefully!) remove the three big spikes with some side cutters. doesn't bother the cattie, sharks are more likely to scoff them without the weapons. good luck mate! B)

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Do$tylz wrote:

Mate I don't know if you'll get a shark under the bridge on the KP side. I think its a bit shallow. I've tried a couple of times there but never had any luck. Could just be me though :)

Bring a cast net under there and you should get a few live prawns and mullet. Prawns will get you bream there.

DoStylz, Jordan and Terry had several hook ups there one night on shark gear. But they were rubbed off becuase it was shallow i think.


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