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Bribie Ocean Side 29th


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Hit Bribie this morning with Terry in the yaks, launched at 6am and started working around the beacon without luck, then we saw what we came for some surface action with birds so headed out towards them heavy rods out and Slugs on ready to tackle some big longtails, but there were very few tuna around, Loads and loads of bait and birds but hardly any bustups, we tried following them but to no avail, man we clocked up a few ks too. after a while we headed back to the beacon were I got a small squire around 35cm, went quite so we decided to head up to second lagoon and give it a crack up there. trolled in close to the beach all the way up but not even a touch, Landed on the beach chucked the Trolleys in and walked over to the lagoon and launched, fished it for an hour and a half or so, Terry got a 29cm bream on of all things a bloody Mazzi Vib lol, and a smaller bream on an sx40. IT was a pretty slow day but good to be out on the water, oh almost forgot Terry and I both got a small chopper on the troll back and Terry got a small dart. that was our day anyway nothing spectacular unfortunatley


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