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Scarborough 5 August


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No call in for work by 8am so why not get out fishing.

The last 2 weeks have had me questioning why I bother fishing as the results have been woeful everywhere....Jindalee to Boggy Creek, nothing even close to legal.

My plan was to travel north and try the reef off Scarb.

Talking to the locals it didn't sound promising, but bought a bag of pillies and prawns, dropped the boat into the harbour and headed out. Dropped the pots in 3 metres of water this side of the reef and moved out near the post.

Found a spot in about 5m of water on the north side of some good looking structure and soaked some baits.

Squid all over my baits, and not a nibble. Next time I bring the squid lures:angry:

Got bored so I started flicking a 5" squidgy paddletail in black with gold glitter and second cast I'm on. Nice bream 32cm.

This went on for the rest of the morning. You catch 1 bream and all you catch is clones of it one after the other.....its annoying when they are little ones but these were all over 30cm some pushing 40cm.

A pair of knobs not having much luck upped anchor and plonked themselves next to me right where I was casting. I moved to the other side of the structure and continued catching bream while they got nuthin:P

Heres the 3 I took home for a feed. [img size=473]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/100_0503.jpg


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Chop ya fish into cubes then put in bowl with a bit of Lemon juice(2 or more lemons) plus a bit of white vinegar(not 2 much)and some white wine,leave to marinate over night and you will have the tastiest raw fish ever mate.Fillet and skin 1st of course.Try it you mite like it.Plus add wat ever you desire eg: onions or shallots.;)

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no hits form sum little snapper?

i though scarbrough delivered sum nice snapper this time of year...

nice bream anyway mate, gud to see the fishign karma came thorugh for ya!

thought out loud: does any1 kno any gud snapper spots round redcliffe/ scarbrough?

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Flathead- I was using 4lb fireline with 6lb vanish leader.

Username_taken- It takes about 15 min in my yak to get there and I am a very casual paddler. You go out from the marina and head for the green marker on a tripod.

Wiseguy- There were some 60cm+ snapper frames tossed in the water near the ramp. I don't think my 4lb braid would be up for that on a shallow reef.

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whatnow- ease up on destprying hopes and dreams!

unless u wanan tell me u picked up those snapper just near scourbrough, and had sum nice directions... then u'd be making a chaps day!

anyway, im gonna stay dedicated to the snapper quest round that area and hope i come up trumps- stranger things have happened!

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