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Todays Bargains


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headed down to a-mart all sports today after hearing they had 25% off shimano gear and got some real bargains. while i was there i noticed a 10-24kg live fibre overhead marked down to $105 :woohoo: so i asked the attendant why the rod was marked down when the exact same rod next to it was $220, turns out one of the workers marked it incorrectly, which got me my first overhead at a bargain, picked up a shimano backbone snapper rod for $99 and also got them to order in a 6500 baitrunner for it as there were none left which cost my $145 after 25% off which isn't bad. had a look at the overhead reels and guess what!, the price on the tyrnos 30 and 16 were mixed up, so i ended up gettin a tyrnos 30 at a smashing price of $190 after 25% off, what a bargain! with a bitta luck this stuff should last me a loooonnnnnngg time!








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