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Fishing of Late


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Hey guys,

Havent done a great deal of fishing for a while now. Had this week off from uni and managed to get out a few times.

Last weekend went out to in the bay in a mates new skeeter chasing bream and squire. Managed a fair few fish but nothing fantastic. Got bream up to 33cm and a few squire up to 35cm. Also a heap of tailor which were in plague numbers. Lost a lot of gear to them. Most were around the 40cm mark. Had a massive squire come up to the boat following a smaller one I had caught and lost some monster bream.

While waiting at the ramp we had a dolphin come up to the boat and hang around for 20min which was pretty cool.


The new skeeter


Biggest bream for the session


The dolphin at the colmslie ramp

During the week I had some spare time so headed to manly for a quick session. Wasnt really expecting much but felt like I needed a fish.

Didnt take long and I was onto a fish within the first few casts.. A small jewy! My first. going 40cm. Got it on a 2inch Shrimp in the pepper shrimp colour. I was stoked and suprsed! I kept fishing and managed 2 more around the same size before going to get some lunch. Another kid on the jetty had caught one as well on bait. Came back again, after the change of tide and they had moved on.


My first Jew

Lastly, went for a fish yesterday around the goldy with daniel chasing some bream. Got a fair few on Hardbodies and TT switch blades. With the biggest going 32cm caught on a chubby.

Dont have too many pics this time but just thought Id put a report up as I have been a bit quiet of late.


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