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Stripey Fish in Estuary. No Internet or Book ID!!


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Caught this the other day on white pilchard. About 5" long. No spiney top fin like a Bream, had rather gnarly spikey looking gills though. Any ideas? I've trawled(!) the internet and found nuffink. An old boy down the way didn't know what it was and the fat book of fish in KMart ("Security to the fishing aisle!") didn't come up trumps, either.

Thanks in advance!B)fish-52517ed5a98d353895a14c97b4cc7c9c.jpg

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Im looking at it in one of my books at the moment. and it is a

"BANDED TRUMPETER" also known as a Spikey trumpeter and Northen Grunter..

i bet it had a long spike comming back along it body from its gill?

banded or stipped i guess it is how u look at it.. but my book has no striped trumpeter but id say there are slang for the same fish.

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i wil go and look im my guide to moreton bay.. i have been looking in the australian fisherman's companion.. but in saying that the picture of the banded trumpeter in that book defently has stripes down its tail and only two main strips running down it body though, but i cant c the barb comming down after its gills.. think ur right jimmybob.. off to my other book i go.:blush:

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phew.. it was looking me in the face the whole time.. yeh i stand corrected.. can even c the barb comming backwards outta the gill.. hey Jimmy is there a better way to use this book to find what im looking for ? just that is does not seam to be in alfabetical order or is there some trick to it?

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