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Threadfin Brisbane River Picture


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Hey all, im new to this site.

Been fishing brisbane river only 3 months now, after a mate told me of big fish. Been getting plenty of live bait and hoping for the best. Gotten on to big fish that have snapped me or spat the hook:angry:. Caught heaps of catties, big bream, sharks, eels, jew and my first threadfin 4.5kg and i'm stoked. There's plenty of big fish in the brisbane river, any other stories. Cheers. Ps A mate told me there was a coral trout caught in the river, what do you think? PHOTO ATTACHED. [img size=1000]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Sized-82bc8cdacf38f1497b2a8e4bab32de99.jpg

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Good catch mate.There have been many blokes on here fishing the river a lot longer for lesser results.Keep the good reports coming.Hope you enjoy the site.It's very informative and everyone usually gives good advice when asked even the simplest of questions.


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nice threadfin slyhawke what live bait was used to get it. I love fishing with alveys too.

As for the coral trout question - Yeah why wouldn't they be there.The river has plenty of prime ground for em to live also the earth is rapidly changing which could assist certain fish to venture and addapt to live in new grounds .

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Nice fish mate and let me welcome you to the site.

I have heard of Qld Groper and there are plenty of Estuary Cod in the river. I have heard people who are not to savvy on species imdentification call these trout. I would be surprised if there was a coral trout in the river, but hey, the river does keep on surprising!

I have seen at least one Coral trout caught in the bay by Brian D, so why not? Those wharves at the mouth could hold pretty anything the bay does.


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isn't it strange, not many trawlers working the river of late, all these fish species being talked about now.? there is a trawler working the colmslie area now, comming in real close to the pontoon and jetty, you can nearly make out his name tag, i kid you not.

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There was a small trawler running nets up to New Farm every morning up to early feb 09 at least. I'm not catching the ferry to work anymore so dont know if he is still around or not.

imho they should not be allowed in the river at all.


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