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Woundering where I could catch Mangrove jack?


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Hey all,

I've got a couple of question about Mangrove Jack.

1. Where can you catch them around redcliff or nudgee beach?

2. Can you catch them on SP's?

3. Whats the best bait for Jacks?

4. What type of rod should I use(KG)eastury ect?

5. How heavy should my line be?



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jacks like structure and also this hot weather we're having now. any rocks or trees fallen into the water hold jacks and use small live mullet or herring etc. line should be atleast 20lb or greater and use heavy drag settings to keep them out of the snags. fresh bait also works or even pilchards, hardie heads, white bait if you can't get livies. good luck

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I've been chasing them for a year now with no luck but I know for a fact that they love prawnstar's and the best thing about prawnstar's is that they don't snag anywere as easy as sp's or hb's which helps a lot concidering you have to hit some pretty heavy country to find them.

I've heard caboolture river and coochin creek hold some quality fish but like said above they can be found in all the places you really don't want to throw a $20 lure:)

Hope this helps and if you get on let me know so I can go chase it:)

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under the bridge at collages crossing there is a monster jack.i spent 3 days trying to get it,and have been there a few times since for a few hrs.i heard the care taker the got a jack form under the bridge for a few people.so i think the monster jack under the bridge mite be legend now or it's ghost.

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Fresh mullet from wollies works well too, some days the jacks will turn away from baits and hit livies and vice verser. They like bright colored lures like gold bombers. I'd be putting stronger trebles on the HB's like the VMC's sharp and very strong. With livies I use a snelled rig with a 4/0 Gamma just behind its head and a treble stinger just below its bum on a 25lb leader (this rig got my PB at 54cm). Going to give them one last go this weekend and then its tailor and jew time :woohoo:

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Mick.

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