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Nudgee Beach 15/04/09


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Hey All,

Went to Nudgee Beach today. Got there at 9.00am ans stayed to 2:30pm.

I gave the plastic ago for 2 hours with no succses :(:( . I than went to fresh prawns.

I got a 37cm flathead, 21cm bream and some small whiting (4).

Anywayz great fun. Only bad thing was, did not get photos becasue my iPhone fell in the water %#@4.



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plugga wrote:

Hey All,

Went to Nudgee Beach today. Got there at 9.00am ans stayed to 2:30pm.

I gave the plastic ago for 2 hours with no succses :(:( . I than went to fresh prawns.

I got a 37cm flathead, 21cm bream and some small whiting (4).

Anywayz great fun. Only bad thing was, did not get photos becasue my iPhone fell in the water %#@4.



9 - 2.30! wow what an effort! good on ya!

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Cowfish13 wrote:

One way that you will finally crack your duck is not to take any bait. Just go with the plastics and HB's, nothing else. It may take you a few trips, but it'll be quicker that way than by taking bait as a backup

Yes! do this...its what i do now and im catching more fish now then i ever have in brissy

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Cowfish13 wrote:

One way that you will finally crack your duck is not to take any bait. Just go with the plastics and HB's, nothing else. It may take you a few trips, but it'll be quicker that way than by taking bait as a backup

Thats pretty awesome advice actually. It can be really tempting to chuck on some bait until you have succeeded. Even trying new types of plastic fishing. Out on the shallow reefs in the kayak its very tempting to use bait if you have it until you start getting hits :)


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