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Terrys bait plug


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Just wanted to put a plug out there for terrys bait ;)

Terrys bait is the worst crap in a packet you can buy, went ouot on a limb yesterday and got a box of individualy frozen pillies thinking they might be a bit better than all the other crap in their pathetic range, but no all i got was broken crap that once thawed out i wouldnt feed to a cat.

Thanks terrys... your the best

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hahahhah I hear you, not my favourite either. It's not like home brand where you pay less for inferria product and you get what you pay for, it's more like you pay top price and get what you are given. Don't they know about repeat business because they won't get mine.

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travis---where have you been the last 10 years terrys bait has never been any good --i have always got my pillies from mossops at the gabba and found them to be GOOD ;) ALWAYS ASK FIRST whos bait they stock :ohmy: tweed bait is not much better thats the 2 i never buy terrys-tweed bait sh-t sh-t

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I know theyre sh it, i just got caught out yesterday cos i didnt want to drive oner the hornibrook to get bait :P was tempted to throw them back over the counter on the way home, i dont know how tackle shops can stock that crap and be happy theyre selling it.

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