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Pflueger Problems...HELP!

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hey guys i just got a new pflueger summmit low profile baitcaster, hasnt even been spooled yet... anyway my brother bought it off ebay, so no receipt (bad move)...and i have found when i reel and move it slightly as you do when u reel, it makes a kind of clicking noise...but when i reel and let the spool spin freely (letting go of the handle)it doesnt make the noise...and also when the drag is tightened right up....so i think it has something to do with the drag washers or whatever are in baitcasters, are loose or not secured properly...so should i take it to my local bcf or tackle warehouse, and pay to get it fixed or is this just usual and should i not worry....(bit of a baitcaster novice as you can see)...and if anyone has had a pflueger inparticular a summit that has played up like this or worked really well or somthing can you please comment....much apppreceitated....thanks in advance


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I've got a Pfluegar President (bc). I've had it for about 2.5 years and have had no problems. The only slight thing though is that the drag has started to wear out by now (understandably though!), so I need some new drag washers I guess. No rust, no random clicks nothing. Great reel imo

Does the noise appear to have any friction? Like, does it make it harder to wind? If not, it may be nothing, but if you want, you could still take it to Tackle Warehouse. Dunno if BCF actually do services... Or you could learn to pull it apart yourself and tighten up any bits inside which might be loose.

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toadievoluzion wrote:

based on what you said i'd try to tighten up the spool tension knob and see what happens.

also it's impossible to wind with an extremely constant speed so it could be spool wobbling with handle turn. it's not any problem with the reel

i doubt there'd be any problem with that reel there if you do not experience excessive backplay or friction. just have a fish with it and if it feels right on water it's probably right

yeer it is exactly what you have said it is the spool wobbling...no friction or anything...i was looking closely at it last night...and relized that is what it was....(spool wobbling with handle turn)....yer when i tighten up the spool tension knob (the on in line with the spool....near the handle?) it stops but then that affects casting distance and stuff so yer i dont liketo have it tight.....so how would i fix it with out affecting casting distance and etc.

and thanks to everyone that has commented much appreciated

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chrissy_fisher wrote:

are we talking about the same know....the one near the handle, in line with the spool....because even tightening by like a whole twist doesnt stop it...it quietens the rattling/clicking noise but doesnt stop it...

sorry i would say a quatre twist.....over exaggerated a bit

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same knob mate

when you tightened it just feel the spool with your finger, if you can move it side to side significantly its still too loose

you can tighten it up until you cant move the spool side to side with your finger, then loosen it a tiny tiny bit so you can just barely move it side to side and you shouldn't affect casting distance

if it still clicks and rattles then i can't help and maybe take it to someone in person who is handy with reel mechanics and ask them what the problem might be

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