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Belted by a Jewie


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G'day all,

I had it in my mind to cook the missus some garlic prawns late last night, so I set the alarm for 0330 this morning in the hope of cast-netting at Colmslie. The alarm went off all too soon, and I dragged myself out of bed and headed off, taking a rod just in case.

I arrived at the jetty at about 0410 and started throwing the net, but all I got were poddy mullet, so I used one as a livie on the rod and cast out into the river.

I kept cast-netting for a while, but there were absolutely no prawns to be had (I don't know much about the habits of prawns, I thought darkness was all you needed! :S ). I did however, come up with more mullet, so they went into the bucket and I concentrated on the fishing side of things.

First light came along, conditions were totally glassed out, when suddenly my rod did the whole bend almost double thing, and line started screaming off the reel....Woohoo!.....Keeping in mind my mistake of several days ago, I allowed the critter on the end to have a bit of a run without touching the drag, and then the fight was on! :) It must of been five minutes of give and take before the fish made a run straight towards the jetty, allowing me to recover lost line and get a glimpse of the bugger as he came up to the surface with the line. It was a big Jewie, and I was already imagining the photos I would get with the bugger when he made a last ditch run.....Straight between the pilons of the jetty! From there, the inevitable happened, I got snapped off as he wrapped me seven ways till sundown around the structure. :angry:

After pulling the line in and setting up again, I had time to ponder the recent activity. I was happy with the overall drag and fight right up until he came in close, and that is where I made my mistake. I think I should have moved around to the corner of the jetty, steering him into open water.

At the rate I am going, I should be pulling up a decent fish soon, as I seem to be taking care of the major mistakes that account for lost fish, so here's hoping.

Still it was an awesome time with a fantastic sunrise and a cheeky bird nicking all my livies whilst I was occupied.




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Bugger, similar thing happened to me the other night, my 8kg rod nearly bent in half with the hit but I was half asleep and missed it.

Also that is a good Jew/thready rigg

you were on the jetty? I would have moved to the beach and played it from there, you would be hard pushed hefting a jew (or large thready) up onto the jetty.

good luck

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Lesson learned mate.. Great work for getting up for the early and fishing livies though.. Killer combo! Hindsight is a wonderful thing but definately next time try and put yourself in an advantagous position to where you can fight and land the fish safely.

Good work mate.. Theres a picture to frame coming soon I can feel it.


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good stuff ryan .

with the amount u are getting out and the experience u are getting ,won't be long now.

people can tell u how to do it and u can read how to do it ,but getting out the and learning from mistakes is the best way .its practical and u will remember it and see it.they are the best lessons learned.

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nice work, good photos too.

a good trick when jetty fishing (and boating) and the fish has gone under you is to also get hard up against the hand rails and maybe even stand on it and have your rod point downwards towards the water. don't be afraid to dip the tip of your rod into the water as the fish runs under you. this should give you a bit more leverage and play when they fight dirty.

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tacklebox wrote:

Bad luck Ryan. At least you caught a glimpse of him this time. Do your livies last long being hooked like that?

Mate, I had my last one on the hook for over an hour and when I pulled him in, he was going strong. I let him go and he swam off no worries at all!

The one that the jew hit was a bit the worse for wear as I had casted multiply times due to yaks running into the line.

All up, I reckon they last a fairly long time. On top of that, I just don't really know any other methods of doing it, as this is the only one I have been shown! :)

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