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19th Ave Lake, Elanora Gold Coast


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Hey all went for a fish at the lake on 19th Ave down in Elanora. Live bait was a bit hard to find but eventually found some. Threw 4 out and waited and waited and then waited some more!!!!!! Got a hit on one but no luck??? All the liveies were weighted down so they would chill at the bottom. Has anyone had any fish time down there????? There were stacks of mullet jumping and the sound of an occasional bust up by something? Also tried a small popper around the drain aswell as wildly throwing metal slices about. If anyone has some tips about this place it would be much appriciated as i will be there again next week to try my luck!!!!!

Keep the lines tight

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what do you want to catch mate ? Jacks ?

unweighted livies for jacks, or a slowly worked SX60 or TN60....

try burning a shallow diver for the trevs of slices aren't turning them on...

i got 1 or two hits ffrom bream on HB's and placcys there last weekend, they were VERY interested in half prawns tho (not full ones though !!!)

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