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bonny doone fizzer trip!


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the bloody mobile rings thursday arvo! pat's callin to say he can't make this trip, but i can take his boat and 4b if i want, tarp n pegs and all the other crap was bought, but decide not to take all that up this time, get word from brad he's workin saturday and can't make it either,i get a message from trav , he's already up there, as i was leavin early the next mornin.upon arrival i couldn't believe how many ppl were up there, not long after entering the park, i spotted the suspect and kel all cuddled up in trav's swag, awwww!!! so off all 3 of us went, and got stuck into deploying me pots at stragetigecly placed locations in the dam, then back to camp where we unhutched the tinnie and off to kilcoy we go, for urgent supplies! :laugh: i spotted a bakery across from the shop i was waiting for to open. 10 am LMAO???and bought cream donuts and eclairs and pies and custard tarts and somthhin else, yeah we do it tough up there. then back to camp to pig out, like hell, :laugh: kell i call out to, oi.

pass me something, anything.and started to devour all that wonderful junk food with a delightful feeling of being content. :woohoo: so we get back and then go check the pots after debating it was to bloody hot to stay at camp and needed water. went up to kirkleigh lookin for the feral up there, all to no evail but it looks very fishy up there, amongst other things too! ;) ended up back at camp with a few quiet 1's and it was an early night for me but trav played up. :laugh: and with it being hotter today, than it was yesterday, it was an early pack up, pot collection and off home, trav i think has some pic's. not the most productive by any means but still a good weekend away from da hustle n bustle. and already looking forward to the next trip.sorry brad you can't come! your workin. :laugh:

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