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enoggera reservior

jeff f

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Sadly you cant fish this water. Not even from the bank let alone from any form of water craft.

There are pest fish such as Carp and Tilapia in it. Also some natives such as Spangled perch and eel tail catties.

Its a shame as its a nice looking peice of water only about 15 minutes from me!

Oh well.


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Hi Angus.

Yes, I'm from the Gap area. I've never thought to fish the area below the dam wall though... I might give it a try soon though. Thanks! Speaking of eel-tailed catfish, we were at the Shorncliffe Pier Friday night, and and an eel-tailed was the only thing caught from almost two hours fishing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone.

I checked out the resevoir recently, but I'm still unsure of whether or not it is worth getting fined for attempting to fish there. The first pocket of the resevoir ( from the top of Payne Road) is fairly easily accessed from a nearby fire trail running through the forest. Then you have to walk through the bush for a couple of minutes before reaching the bank.

Looked as if a few people had recently had a campfire there anyway. The main body of the resevoir is pretty inaccessible because of the dense amount of lilyponds and foliage covering the banks. Ideally you would like to fish from somewhere closer to the dam while, but the area is too exposed and their is a house situated at the top of Payne Road practically over looking the whole thing.

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I visited the resevoir yesterday with my fishing rods. Since I was last there someone had (re)erected an old signpost stating that you need written permission to enter the resevoir area :unsure: . So I decided not to just blatantly walk through the old gate like I did last time.

Instead, I walked up the more legitimate looking Brisbane State Forest walking/horse trail. It ended up taking me nowhere near the resevoir, but after having come this far I decided that I should still make an effort to get down to it somehow. I had to walk through scrub and lantana for about 10 or 15 minutes before I found the little trail that takes you through to the water. Still really thick with water lillies covering the banks, but in one place it was open enough to allow me to get a line out.

I then stupidly realised that I had left the tackle box back in the car ( lures probably would have been snagged anyway)so I grabbed some old red meat from my backpack, at least hoping to catch a cat-fish or something. After about ten minutes there was a decent sized fish on my line, only to lose my hook...:dry: .

Well, since that was the only hook I wasn't going back to the car for another one. A bit of a misadventure all and all. A really serene place to fish, but I really think it is more trouble than it is worth.

Post edited by: robski, at: 2007/04/15 11:09

Post edited by: robski, at: 2007/04/15 11:12

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