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Red claw


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We're probably going to a dam that (they say) has red claw and was just wondering about a few things.

1. How deep are the Red claw in most dams commonly caught

2. I've heard of all the baits but I was just wondering what bait was most successful at Awoonga

3. Is there any size or possesion limit

4. How many pots are each person allowed to have

Thanks in advance


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i heard they go vege when they get bigger so maybe some boiled potatoes in one cage and fish frames in another

check out the dpi website that will lead you in the right direction in regards to the number of cages your allowed to per person

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4 per person, no limit as they are classed as a pest in Queensland.

Depth, are you in a boat or from shore? From shore chuck em out as far as you can, in a boat, I am not sure, have only caught them as by catch looking for shrimp, in the 10 to 15 foot range - at the edge of weed beds. Have heard of them being as deep as 30 foot.

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