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fishing Sumerset


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Hi Guys

Mates and I are spending the weekend at Sumerset in a few weekends time. None of us have had any experience at all fishing fresh water. From what ive read in other posts and the net i'm guesing that you use opera house pots with tins of cat food for red claw and use spinners and small hard bodied lures for the fish. Not taking the tinnie as too many people and not enough room in the boat. does any one have any sugestians for beginers? Is there any good bait for carp and cat fish so the kids can have a bit of fun? thanks.

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Hey Nathan where are you looking at caming,because there is a good camp groundon the right as you drive into kirkleigh just down from the dam wall. From there it's about 5/6mins to the water and you can get to the river below the dam wall from memory it's about $30 a night per car load and don't forget to fish most fresh water impoundments you are going to need a permit you can get them online or from the shop up there.

There are good catches up there at the moment of red claw and if your fishing land based try an get some shrimp you may have better luck with them of the bank use dry cat food in a shrimp trap good luck

cheers dassa

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if u camp at Somerset Park ,its the 1 across from the servo .

20$ a car load =5 people ,they pretty good there .

just pay by car load if u are a big mob like mine ;)

the river behind the camp ground ,u can catch bass ,spangle perch ,banded grunter,cat fish ,eel tail and normal ones .catch them on lures and shrimp or worms .

the river there is down from the dam wall ,so no need for a permit .

there is a few spots to fish of the bank or have a swim .

here is the link


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Davo_Dinkum wrote:

if u camp at Somerset Park ,its the 1 across from the servo .

20$ a car load =5 people ,they pretty good there .

just pay by car load if u are a big mob like mine ;)

the river behind the camp ground ,u can catch bass ,spangle perch ,banded grunter,cat fish ,eel tail and normal ones .catch them on lures and shrimp or worms .

the river there is down from the dam wall ,so no need for a permit .

there is a few spots to fish of the bank or have a swim .

here is the link


Um I think this maybe a little incorrect about the permit thingy.

Isnt that creek or spill way from sommerset your talking about the little stanley river which flows directly into bigW which also requires a fishing permit?

or is it not considered part of bigW? does any one Know?

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maybe u right there mick.

i just looked at google map and took it as its a river between the dams.

the part from somerset spillway to just after the wivenhoe somerset road /reedy creek.

its the stanley river i think .

it doesn't show a name on the map,but when u cross the bridge the sign says stanley river .

on the map after that is Brisbane river ,no real mark where wivenhoe dam starts.


i would call where i put the red mark the start of the dam .


would be handy if some 1 knows for sure ,has the official markings /maps.

save getting into trouble ,and making sure we do the right thing.

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yep so it definatly part of bigW cheers davo. :)

Hey on another note.which way is the best way to get to sommerset-the wivenhoe sommerset rd or the esk kilcoy rd in your opinion.I have been both ways but have never taken notice of the time differance to travel the two or the KM traveled of each way.I do remember that the esk kilcoy rd was a lot friendlier to the boat trailer less hills too maintained a good speed all the way.


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the esk kilcoy road is a little bit longer in distance and time ,but its better road and less /better hills.

the wivenhoe somerset rd is shorter but hilly and lots or corners .

its a fun drive in a car ,but not the best for towing .

towing a boat or van i reckon the esk kilcoy road is the go .

i did work out the km and time from my place to the campsite,it really wasn't very much difference .

i can't remember but i think ,but i think it was like 10 or 15 km and 20 min diff.

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I was hoping to hit somerset a fair bit in the next month...what do you think the fishing will be like with all this rain? Settled down by then?

Also, are there any camping/fishing spots on the river between the two dams? My bro just moved to a place just off esk/kilcoy rd (closer to esk township) and i was wondering if there was anywhere i can take my nephews for a fish, other than the dams?



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