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Monaco Street Mission

max pwr

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Thought I'd hit up monaco street bridge early saturday morning and after carefully studying google maps decided to put in at Cascade Gardens. So off I went and got there around 3:30 am Sunday morning, upon arrival I was aware that I was in a fairly good spot for a mugging and felt a little uneasy so armed with my fishing knife in my pocket and yak in tow started looking for a likely entry spot to the river.

10 minutes later after walking all round the park in the dark the only spot I could find was a little muddy bank overhung with trees and upon approaching disturbed some large river rats, oh well I came this far so what's a bit of bush bashing. Finally got the yak in the water and after pushing my way through the trees and removing the stickiest cobweb ever from my face I made my way to the bridge and anchored up about 10 metres away upstream, deployed a large prawn and started flicking a popper about.

Holy cow the current rips through there! Had one good hit on my popper but didnt hook up and after I was there for around 20mins or so something bumped my yak fairly solidly twice around 30seconds apart. Started to get pretty nervous then and mental images of sharks and blood etc saw me heading back through the trees and for the car.

A session on the broadie followed, catching some good bream and had a ten minute fight with a massive parrot/toadfish thingy. All caught in front of the swimming enclosure, generally get some trevs there but not this time.

I would give monaco street another go but not alone at night thats for sure. Anyone else in a yak fish there? the rest of the creek looks the goods but I was a bit spooked.

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jeff f wrote:

yeah its a quiet spooky place at night, supposed to be haunted

there is an old (100yrs+) grave in there and there have been a coupl,e of murders in there years ago

Sheesh... that sends shivers down my spine... I know what you mean by when you go fishin alone early in morning and its still very dark Max... Ive fished alone before at far away or isolated places.... I always have eery feelings of ghosts around riverbeds... :dry: scares the crap out of me...

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