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Deep Water Bend Sunday Session


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Hi All...

Just a quick report from our session along the pine on Sunday.

Arrived at sparrows and dropped a couple of pots with high expectations of scoring a few muddies with lines in not long after. Apart from the swarms of mosquito's in the early morning it was a really comfortable spot. This be shaz taking in the serenity:


Bait wise we had live yabbies, live worms and some mullet flesh. Threw the cast net around for a bit as well and although I'm still completely unco with the net managed to land a poddy and small whiting.

First fish in was a 25cm Bream - actually had no idea it was on as it had wrapped itself around half a tree so felt like I was just bringing in a brick. Either way a catch is a catch so in the bucket it goes with high hopes for a few more of his cousins. Unfortunately it was not to be...

The current running through is really quick so my attempts to float a livey were none too successful so down to the bottom they went to become a snack for the crabs. All went fairly quiet for a while with plenty of interest but no hook ups.

Finally got a great hit on the light setup and was really hoping it was a good size flatty, but no, it wasn't, just a shovely but good fun catching nonetheless...



Other species caught during the day was a sole (or a flounder - still don't know the difference). All up 1 bream, 1 shovel, 1 sole and upon checking the pots in the afternoon 0 muddies which was very sad :( although shaz did manage to catch some of a muddy...


Oh well, next time we'll have more luck for sure, either way any day spent fishing is a good day B)


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