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Plan A (Fail) Plan B (Carpark...) Plan C(INK!!!)


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Had bit of a late start on Sunday morning, but we had in the boat in the water by 7 and left the river to head for Mud.

Got to Mud at about 730, thinking great the tide should be changing, so we sounded around and found a nice drift, deployed a floating pillie and then hit up the plastics. We were there for about 10 mins and then i looked at the gps and went :S our drift speed was 0 on the gps, wind was pushing one way while the current held us in place. Ok so I motor out a bitmore to try and find a stronger current line to no avail. So we hang around for a while to see what the tide change will do... but after another 30 mins, we hadnt even had a touch on the plastics and the floater hadn't even been touched by the pickers. So I told little bro to wind it in and we would head over to Harry's(Plan B )

After a bit of a slog getting there against the waves and wind, we end up at the carpark...(aka Harry's on a Sunday morning), so we head to the same spot as last week and start the drift, deployed the floater and starting flicking. We had a nice drift going and then cos we were away from the crowd this prick noseys over at full plet and stops 10m away from me with a stinking 50yo 2 stroke on the back, he anchors and then pulls it back up witin 2mins, then starts up the stinker again moves 5 m and reanchors.... this continues for abut 3 times within 15mins.....any fish around wouldve been scared off for miles now. Needless to say I'm now pissed.... Ah well, thats what I get for fishing the carpark... By this time I'm dreading coming home with a donut... So I make the call lets go to our squid spot.

We rig up and leave the carpark behind(& the guy that loves anchoring). Get to our spot and great, place to ourselves. Its now 10 and still nothing in the boat, not even a grinner. But first cast, I let it sink to the bottom for about 1 min and dead stick it, give it a few big flicks and let it stink again, then bang ZZZZZZzzzzz.... up pops a nice tiger squid. I get another 2 on the same driift and then motore back to start it again, but on the way back, I thought it was a turtle on the surface but as we got closer, it was a massive squid, about 50cm long, just sitting there on the surface, but it was too late as when i saw it it also saw us and darted off with a big black cloud.. Ah well, he wouldve been too chewy anyway.... Start the drift again and only little buggers about 10-15cm, so I throw them back for another day. By this time little bro is pissed,he hasnt caught a thing. Meanwhile the count is 3-0 and I let him know it, but murphys law he hooks up, winds it in and its the tinyiest squid ever about 8-10cm long, ahahahahaha :silly: to makethings worse as I had the net ready my rod was in the holder and it loads up.. another nice one.

So we continue there for the rest of the day, bite wasnt red hot, but still better than a donut final tally 11 squid 8 for me and 3 for little bro, we lost about 6 nice ones and released about the same baby ones. Headed back and shot across the bay at a nice 25 knts.

To sum up, slow start, donut avoided and a little ink in the boat make for a nice day out in the bay.


Thanks Cam


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