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MBC - Camera downloads


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Do$tylz wrote:

yep, please either bring the cable with a standard USB connection at one end (the one that connects to the computer) or please bring a card reader that connects to USB.

Henry I cant find my cable do you have a spare one that will fit my camera???...picture supplied of camera

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daveylad wrote:

Just a quick question but we take pictures of the fish we want to catch and release for the comp we have to then produce those pictures to the umpires question is do we have to bring along our USB cables for downloading the pics onto a laptop? :huh:

We do have a Multi-Card Reader that reads SD, XD, MS and CF. Although this will 99% be fine for most people, if we do have a problem reading it and you don't have your camera's USB cable then we can't get the photos and so we can't judge them. So if you want you can risk it or if you like to be super safe you can bring your USB cable.

Hope this helps

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Straddiebrad, if your phone has a camera in it you could use that? Most phones these days come with decent quality cameras. Additionally most of the time you will get a USB cable with your phone so you can connect it to your computer. Just make sure you save it to the phones memory card rather than the phone memory so that you don't have software issues retrieving the photos from the phone memory.

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