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A lazy arvo off Wello


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Hey guys,

Went for a quick paddle yesterday arvo to try for some squire. As I was paddling out didn't like my chances the water was so clear for once. Went past a few stink boats that weren't doing so well by the looks of things and started to drift around.

Landed about 10 undersize squire in quick time, which was fun. Then my 4" pumkinseed gulp minnow got smashed on its way down, rod buckles and drag is singing, a quality 46cm version is lifted into the yak. After a few more little ones a 43cm squire. Unfortunately this got the attention of the stink boats, who moved in. Managed one more at 38cm which I normally don't keep but he swallowed the hook and was bleeding so in the bag he went and I paddled back to the ramp, looked around and 4 boats had taken my place.

All up 3 hours on a perfect bay, for the first time in weeks I wasn't getting tossed around like a cork, and a good fed in the bag.

Thanks for reading Bill :) .



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nice fish mate, might have to give wello a crack myself in the yak soon. I've only got a viking nemo, do you reckon the tides etc will be a bit much for a small yak like mine? Typical for stinkers to move in on your spot. They seem to like barging in on yaks when they see fish caught but if they weren't making so much noise with anchors and motors and stomping around in their boats they would probably do better where they're fishing in the first place.

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Nice catch. nothing beats the sound of a drag going off when your least expecting it

max pwr wrote:

if they weren't making so much noise with anchors and motors and stomping around in their boats they would probably do better where they're fishing in the first place.

Too true, many times in the tinny, my dad and i would drift over and over a spot for nothing, park the boat up and have a few flicks while wadding.... wham-o lots of fish


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I looked on nearmap at wello and wondering where to try? i can see the dredging from the boatramp and at the end where it deepens, is this the general area to try? Not asking for secret spots just getting a feel for how far out to paddle and have a go myself. Wouldnt mind catching something other than bream and flatties

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I am hoping the weather will hold off tomorrow morning so I can have another try. I have found the afternoons better for the bigger versions, but the small ones are still fun.

If its not raining I will head out around 5 to celebrate my last day of the week off :P

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