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ABT Tweed River 8th,9th July


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Hey guys...

just though i might aswell write up a report on my weekend on the tweed river for the abt. left at around 4pm friday arvo to set up camp and goto the abt breifing. at the breifing we were teamed up with ours boaters. i got mark chainsaw lawson as my saturday boater, though he wasnt there so i had to make a phone call. i drew mike connelly as my sunday boater. he had the fastest boat in the field which was a nice decked out skeeter with 200hp evinrude on the back. man did it fly!

saturday july 8

got up nice and early at 5am to get ready quick. jumped in the car and got to fingal boat ramp by 5:45am. hopped in and arrive to the checkin point by 6:10. all ready to go we slowly drifted around chatting to the other competitors. we drew 48th to be let out which was good since mark new a killer spot to get us started and only 3 other boats would be following...

got to the rock wall at around 7:15. as soon qas the bait hit the bottom it was just tap, tap, tap, run, strike. first drop got a nice hit which takes my tail. 2nd drop tap, tap, tap, run, strike! my first fish but its a little gt... back he goes. mark is pulling in fish after fish on 2inch gulp shrimps though not so many were decent sized legals. i was using 3inch gulp frys. they didnt seem to attract as much attention but got much bigger fish to start with when the fish were nice and thick.

by 8:25am my boater and i had a full 5/5 bag of bream. though it looked like i was on top by no more then 100grams. my bigest went 35cms to the fork a solid 700grams. my smallest going 25.5cms to the fork not sure on wieght though. i only up graded twice throughout the entire day where as my boater up graded at least 5 times. our bags looked almost identicle if you were looking into our livewels.

got back to the weigh in about 5mins early at around 1:55pm after a great days fishing. easily my best sp fishing session ever! i caught a total of 30 bream 3 trevs and 3 flatties.

went and got a fish bag and filled it with my 5 fish and got on stage and weighed my fish. the angler before me had 2.26kgs to beat and beat it he did with 2.28kgs. i now had 2.28kgs to beat and wasnt expecting anything too spectacular. marcel (the weigh-in commentator)puts the fish on the scales and presses the button. theres a few ooo's from the crowd though i wasnt paying to much attention. to my surprise marcel says we have a new leader at 2.29kgs. i was stokked. so stokked i forgot what my weight was. i get a pat on the back from ando's dad and my boater :)

just for kicks i end up beating my boater by 30 grams! haha

sunday july 9

get up even earlier at 4:30am. down to the boat ramp early and to the check in. sunday we were drawn 36th out of the gate and we headed to the same spot. we could see the bream exactly the same as yesterday. yet the dolphins were scaring them and hardly any where in the mood for feeding. my boater managed to get one legal bream before we changed places.

we got to the rockwal opposite the other but the bream were too small to cast a lure at. so we headed up the river to a bridge. not sure on the name. we drifted along the rock reef at the bottom for a few missed hits... then i feel a few taps and strike... whatever it was has got me into a snag. at the same time my boater is onto something decent. as he is fighting it out comes my fish and up comes his 67cm flathead. half a minute later i bring up my first sp caught tailor at 34cms to the fork. both they go into my boaters livewel for a feed. my boater manages to get 2 more bream with 1 legal and another flathead and tailor. all i can manage is 3 more tailor before we move for the final time.

we move up to a gravel patch and i get a few flatties and one big fat porkipine fish that wouldnt fit in the net! got the jighead out and off he went and back we went to weigh in with my zero fish and my boaters 2.

such a disapointing days fishing backing up my first. oh well thats fishing. i stil managed to grab 9th though which was great for my first abt comp.

also picked up over $150 worth of gear for my troubles! though i wanted that stella rod which was only 100grams of fish away :(


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Thats really well done Troy! There would have been a few old crusty \"pros\" abit miffed about some youngin beaten them id say! Im hoping to get to a few tournaments next year, as should have boat by then. Maybe u can show me some pointers!

Wel done again on position!

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