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nice cod jigged up


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Hi everyone,

after fixing all the wiring etc in my boat i had to go for a fish, so i headed off to fish a few bridges and rocky canals hoping for a jack.

found a nice bridge with some good current flowing past the pilons so out came the heavy baitcaster and the 20g threadybuster vibes. was a battle controlling the boat in the tight waterway in all that current but got some good drifts just hopping the lure along the base of the pilons with the direction of flow. first couple of drifts resulted in nothing so I switched to the other row of pilons on the other side and repeated the same

this time around the middle of the pilons had a huge wack and a very awkward fight on a locked drag, rod was trying its hardest to get pulled in the water and i can say i'm glad i had the heavy VMC hooks fitted as i didn't give the fish an inch.

the fast current kind of did me a favour keeping the boat away from structure and after the short but intense fight had a nice cod onboard. not a jack unfortunately but a cod of this size pulls just as hard or harder than most estuary jacks and the 30lb baitcaster was bent double yanking him out. you can see how hard he went for the lure with only the tail sticking out

Somehow i managed to stop him doing my line on anything, was one of the shortest and most intense fights ive had for a while

ate well last night, e.cod around this size are one of my favourites




Thanks for reading


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