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Goldy Canal

max pwr

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Had a quick session last night on my own after work and tried a spot I haven't been to in a year or so. I'm convinced it is the home of big jacks amongst other things. Every time I go there I just get owned by god knows what type of fish. They just pick up the bait and slowly start to move off with it, then when you set the hook these critters take off like a bloody bullet!

Last night was no exception, had 3 good hookups on my 6lb but couldnt stop it then switched to my 15lb rod with a jighead and prawn and pulled in a nice little cod which put up a good fight for it's size!


When i was removing the hook I saw what looked like the tentacles of a squid type of lure thingy so I removed it with my pliers as the fish was halfway through swallowing it. I thought it was plastic and looked just like a bunch of zipties. On closer inspection I could see it was a pectorial fin of some type of fish, any ideas?



Anyway, chucked a whole 30cm breambo on a bigass hook and sure enough an hour later drag screamed and i hooked up bigtime, locked up the drag to 90% and it wasn't slowing down a bit so I just grabbed the spool in my hand and busted the line before I lost the lot. Spewing. Need a bit heavier than 15lb for a bait that big I think.

sorry for the useless post but I'm bored at work and well....you know. whatever. cheers

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