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Surf Fishing


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Hey guys, looking at surf fishing at the seaway near the jetty, heard there's a good gutter for bream, tailor and flatties, true? Would really appreciate it if I hear some feedbacks tonight as Im getting up at 2am in the morning to have a go there with the brand dew spanking surf rod my missus brought me...


Cheers and happy fishing

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Yeah mate, Narrow neck fires at times. Tailor are still being caught, bream, whiting, flatties and the ocassional jew. When I fish there I use a pre made wire gang hook set up with 3 to 4 5/0 hooks, the rig is about 300mm long but works a treat, to many bust offs to use nylon straight through. 2am you say, should get an hour in before the surfers are out, your best bet is sunset to about 10 or 11 at night.

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