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Advice for the Solomon Islands


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Hi all,

I'm heading out to the Solomon's Dec14-24th and was wondering what kind of fishing action I could plan for. I have a 1-3kg berkley dropshot (4lb braid) and plastics which I unsuccesfully use to target bream. would this be ok to flick around the reefs? If so any particular type of plastic recommendations?

I'm also planning on going to Gizo island for quite a bit of time. So if anyone has any experience with the fishing charters there, any advice would be great.



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I reckon you'll get use out of your bream SP gear. I lived up from the Solomons in Micronesia for 2 years and had a ball landbased throwing small plastics around the wharves and inshore reef, plenty of that kind of structure around Honiara. Got mostly sweetlip and bigeye/Giant/bluefin trevallies, and various other reef ooglies. Used 8lb fireline & 12lb leader- got busted up heaps but still landed plenty of sweetlip & GT's up to about 3kg. Found the best plastics were very small jerk baits in natural colours, the most outstanding was 2" powerbait minnows in a light blue/clear colour on a 1/12oz head worked very aggressively.

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