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Pb/First and bucket full of bait


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Got a call from the boss on thursday arvo to come over to his house on moreton for the weekend after a quick decision and $100 later at bcf i was ready for the weekend. Forecast wasnt great but beats sitting at home. Arrived at the island around 8:30 on friday morning took a quick ride in the buggy to the top of the hill and short chat and vodka then we were off for the first adventure for the trip. Took a bush track to the beach side of the island and just went for quick drive down south and we came across a nice little gutter, both of us havent had to much beach fishing experience so i was over the moon when i got a 4 spot dart. Next cast another dart which was a 7 spot dart (unsure what the saying was if it was 8 spots it was big enough to keep or 7 spots) the fish was released to fight another day. It was turning in to be a wet windy morning but we kept going on we moved spots with no results so made our way to moreton cape then took the sand tracks back through to bulwer for a quick flick on my plastics rod. I tied on a gulp bloodworm first cast BANG on the drop missed hooks and destroyed the plastic next cast feeling more confident it would result in a fish and small bream was landed. The next few cast result in nil. so another quick move to the tanga wrecks. We managed a few more fish no keeps alot of keeper snapper which had to be thrown back and this is when i decided to change from plastics to bait and next minute im thinking it was another snapper i wasnt to fussed then it took off with a few long runs and some patient angling a nice golden trevally was landed. It was around 3.5kg on 4lb braid and 4lb leader. That night with the rain still around and having to look over the water from the veranda i was forced to brave the rain and wind to go for a fish on the tangalooma jetty. On arrival i was under a few rules for fishing on the jetty.

1.no sharking

2. No hook bigger then 2/0

3.No lures

4.No line heavier then 20lb

(there are a few more but these are the ones that i was worried about)

After reading the rules i asked one of the workers what the go with the rules are and they were unsure why my next question was can i use my lure and this rod and he said yes so away i was throwing H/B in the light chasing pike. Managed a bucket of bait for offshore trips we do on charters and another first an P/B a small giant trev on H/B. As soon as the lure hit the water i didnt even get a turn of the handle and i was hit by the trev i knew from this first lil run it was a trev i was over the moon about this fish it was huge but still a first. The sun was just about to come up so i checked my livie out and it wasnt so alive so re-baited and then zzzzzzzzzzzz the drags was going ran over to my rod and it was gone i slowly wound it and then next minute a school of big kingies were chasing it i rated this fish to be around 15kg. A big yell in my head and the shakes from the adrenalin i was on and the fish and my tekota 500 was screaming away next minute it turned directions and came straight under the jetty ping the fish was. I was that upset i almost threw the rod into the drink. Not long after that it was coming up to being 12hours after i got there and out of vodka i made the walk up the hill back to the house for a short rest.

The next couple of days wasnt to flashy with a 48knots at the cape at one stange so the rest of the trip was on the veranda having a couple of drinks, watching some old gamefishing dvds of the boss and his wife on there old game boats and watching some strange sights across the water. Overall with all the rain and the wind it was still a great trip with a few fish, fwe drinks and great company. Definitly would love to go over there again to do some more fishing in better conditions.

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