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Boggy Creek first (GT) with pic


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Went for a flick before work as I do almost everyday,

decided to have a look at the refinery foot bridge as I had not fished there for a while..

So as I pull up I could see Small bait fish flicking on the surface, they were all over the place.

I could also see through my Jones's tackle supplied polarised glass lens sunnies there was some much bigger silver flashes amongst the bait fish.

I instantly got a little excited, (fishing is a drug)

I pulled out a starlo and bushy white flick bait with funky supplied scent,

I threw it around varying my style for a while when finally my style enticed a strike!

I honestly thought it was a Jack, (Let me remind all of you I still have not caught one!)

the first run was like lightening! It took me up and down the rocky bank I was standing on for a while until

I finally caught glimpse of the fish. It was my first GT. (30cm to the fork)

Soo stoked I dragged out the camera and the brag mat.

Fish swam off strong, I went to bed that night a happy man!!!


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Nice work mate. How do you find the current there? Last time I was there I struggled with sp's as the current was runnig extremly quick

I have fished this spot regularly over the past 5 years as I work a couple of hundred meters away.

Yes the current hooks through there but that's when you get most of the fish,

I must say to catch fish there you will loose a bit of tackle! you need to keep the plastic as close to the bottom as possible, and there a loads of snags there!

I caught the GT with a fairly fast and erratic style retrieve, Its first run was lightning quick!

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