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prawning the coomera

mick fillet

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fri night- sat me n me mate hit the coomera up,the fishin was a bit slow to start off until the tide started to drop out and the heat of the day kicked in and they started chewin there heads off. I notice prawns on the sounder as we trolled over them smackin up trev after trev.Each time i went over the school of prawns we hooked up to a trev and as the tide was dropping the school of prawns got bigger and bigger,i didnt have a prawnin net so we left the prawns and trevs alone and went and trolled another stretch of the river for flattys and we got a few and me mate went home with a decant feed of flatty and we ended the day around 100pm.

On the way home i stoped in at bcf browns plains for a look and they just happened to have 15 percent off nets mates rates ;) so i got a 9ftr to keep in the boat for next time i go down the river.

Iam in the car about to leave bcf and head for home and i thought na stuff it i'll go back down to the coomera and get some of these prawns.take a feed home for once.that i did less than 10 casts and i had enough for a decent feed for the next few arvos after work with a beer :woohoo: who am i kiddin only 1 beer more like lots a beer :lol: :lol:

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Nice Mick - making me hungry even though I've had dinner!!!!!! I see you're still working your way through that carton of Powers Gold cans - or is that another one???

haha nothin wrong with powers :silly: na diferant carton i tell me customers to buy gold its cheap and a good allrounder beer that the whole crew likes allthough i have a few women that have steped into the gum boots workin for me now so might have to change the orders slightly to midori they ask for it all the time they do pfft. that other gucci beer gives me heart burn :lol: :lol: and some how i dont think the customer will pay the price of coopers vintage. haha fre piss is good doesnt mater how ya look at it

cheers for the coment guys

rosstalia-about 80bucks

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nice feed mick,how do yar know they were prawns on the sounder,apart from the out come its all doulble duch to me,but i have low end sounder.

yeah me to brad igot a cheap as sounder.99bucks bcf.you can see it beside the red fire extinguisher in the first pic its a eagle cuda 300. i use the manual mode rather than auto depth and the sensitivity is around 70%.

hering and other bait are like lots of little dark blotches that make up the school(the show) on the sounder and bait schools can be any where through out the water colum.

the prawns bodys arnt as dense as bait fish and will often look like what interferance does on a quality blk/whte sounder .the show on the eagle is like very speckly, feint grey speckles that make up the school (the show)on the sounder,could almost be mistaken as a weed bed but as the prawns school up the show that looked like a rather flat weed bed on the bottom rises and a pyrimid show of bait occurs on the sounder the show doesnt turn dark(like a show of baitfish) as the prawns get thicker it remains that feint grey spckled show and the other give away was the arches and long lines that appeared through out the water colum as i passed over the prawn school which turned out to be fast moving trevs,was probly the reason why the prawns were schooled up and rising forming that pyramid show on the sounder.

i reckon the arches were cattys mongin on the scraps and the long lines that looked like ??spegetti were the moving trevs carvin the prawns up

irealy duno how to explain it any better with out a pic

does it help?

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you have a way with words mick hahaha (just like your sink hole directions)...

the interference/weed bed showing is probably the closest description. on my old sounder it used to look like that, but if the prawns were scattered you wouldn't see them at all. can get 1s and 2s on the hd sounder now, it's great.

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