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warwick from buckat list report 1770 23/4/2011

buckat list

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The wife and I drove to 1770 on Thursday to catch up with a work mate of mines husband and family for a trip out to the reef from 1770.

We left 1770 at 0330 AM on Good friday and headed out to Fitzroy reef with Brenden, Rocket, Peter, Melvin and myself warwick from Buckat List Charters on Brendan and Rockets ex Rescue 31 foot Noosa Cat.

It was blowing 10 Knots and the Noosa cat just ate the seas up with 2x 225 hp Yamahas she really motors.

We fished fitzroy Reef for half the day then headed up to One Tree island for the balance of the day.We caught Red ThroatSweetlip and Coral Trout and Fitzroy Reef and at One Tree on dusk we caught, Red Emporor and some more Trout and Sweet Lip, we were throwing back 4 Kg yellow sweet Lip and they dont taste as good and we had to keep to our bag limits, we threw 5 kg Chinaman fish back as they are dangerous to eat.

Right on dark brent had a 20 minute fight with a very large shark that bit him off as we got it to the boat.

We left One Tree at 1800 hrs and stopped at a wreck on the way back as the sounder showed a lot of fish , when we hooked up we got smashed by large barracudas. so we headed home.

we were 82 km from home and got back to 1770 at 2030 at night.

we spent 2 hours filleting the fish the next day.

It is an awesome spot to go fishing and Its one of the best Easters I have had.

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Ohhhh man... check out how they turned all those white fillets back into whole fish as shown in the next picture. Truly brillian knife skills :-)

Looks like an awesome trip out, and its great to come back occasionally with the eskys overflowing and plenty of fish to go around.

Great spot there!

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yeah i thought it looked under-gunned, but obviously it gets it around !

Boat that size i would have thought you'd be shopping for an F250 at a minimum to haul it...... puck i bet it gallops with all those horses on the back opened up !

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