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Friday Morning Northern Bay


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Bit late but thought i would post it up anyway.

Got up early on friday morning to beat the long weekend rush and headed out at 5am. Got to our normal spot right on change of light and set up for a morning fishing. It was an unreal morning, as you can see from the photos and it wasn't too long before we got stuck into some small fish.


Decided to take the Mrs along on this trip as she was keen and doesn't come out very often unless its nice and calm and before long she got bored and started stuffing around not really caring where she was fishing or if she caught anything. just as the sun was about to stick its head over the top of moreton she grabbed my iphone and started taking pictures then all of a sudden zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz she nearly dropped my new iphone in new water, nearly dropped my newest rod with my best real in the drink and with alot of screaming seemed to get things under control. Not that impressed with what the fish was doing i went back to fishing until 5 minutes later she yelled its a shark!! its a Shark! and all of a sudden lines were tangled at the back of the boat and around the outboard as the so called shark went under and around the back of the boat. At this stage i had to take over to get her out of some trouble and got the lines free and got the fish back to the side of the boat and handed her back he rod. Another 5 mins went by and she now had it stuck under the boat. Took over again, couple of well directed pushes and pulls on my 1-5kg uglystick and out popped something i didn't expect!


A personal best for the Mrs, awesome spotty mackeral going 88cms and a tad under 4kg. Was very stoked for her and very stoked i actually got to use the gaf for a change!.

So that got the blood pumping for a while but didn't do much good after that. Were targeting squire but didn't end up with any keepers. Tally ended up being 1 spotty mack, 1 solid 40+ cm sand flatty, 3 x 29cm+ bream. A good feed and alot of fun.

Also had 2 interesting catches


This fella thought my squid was his breakfast. Got him on board, was not badly hooked or tangled, infact all he had to do was open his gob and the hook fell out but realesed happy and healthy.

End of the day, awesome trip, outfished by the Mrs, good feed of fish, not taking the mrs fishing again!


Ps sorry to the mods posted in the wrong section! started posting about my softplastic trip but realised i didn't have the photos and forgot to change the forum location

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