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Wello this morning 1/5


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My brother and his misses met up with me this morning at Wello ramp bright and early to hit the local snapper before the yahoos got up. Third cast in I was on to a small squire and a couple of casts later another took the blade. Things were quiet up the front of the boat and I explained how that first light usually fires, no sooner the plastic got smacked and I boated a small legal at 38cm.


Then things went quiet, so we did some exploring and found a spot which I think will fire with surface lures on the bream and a flathead spot. Then the descision was made to head to Strady, about half way we were destracted by those pesky tuna that have been tormenting me lately. So we spent half an hour chassing them casting blades, slugs and plastics to no avail :( I'll get my chance :unsure:

We decided to head back and check the pots and were relatively surprissed to find a wobbegong in the first pot, it would have easily gone over a metre :blink:


The next pot had an undersized sandy, and the next two pots had a wobby in each but were only about 2 foot. All up, 15 squire/1 legal, 1 sweetlip, 3 wobbly gongs and 1 legal sandy so a very slow but enjoyable day out in absolutely fantastic conditions, I don't what all the fuss was about.

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Nice one man. i reckon the wind stayed up high today, i was riding up Mt Glorious and the wind really kicked in about 2/3rds of the way up.

How far from the wello ramp is Huybers beacon ?

about 3 ks from ramp go through the leads then hang a left and head for the red marker straight ahead towards manly


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