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Your stupid/funny fishing trips or adventures?????


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Just thinking about the good old days after reading a few hervey bay reports.

We left from River Heads boatramp and some bright person said hey lets go fish near woody island. Now this island is NE from the Hervey Bay marina and about 10minute boat ride to it. We were about 90 minutes away from it in the boat or 20 minute drive to the other boat ramp. We finnaly got there then we decided to fish gatakers bay getting further and further from the car and trailer and when we could of launched at hervey bay in the first place. Forgetting that on low tide the tide goes out a fair way. We quickly packed up and started heading towards the urangan jetty but being in a little channel we were slowly going through shallower and shallower water finnaly we were stuck on the sand bank. An hour or so later we went for a walk along the sandbank and crossed this little stretch off water rather then walk to the jetty and climb the ladder and get a feed and some cold drinks and iceblocks. Taking our time we thought we should head back the small strecth of water wasnt so small and we were already up to chest with water with our goodies. Shitty myself the whole time ( I was still in primary school so i was alot younger and less brave then i am now)i was glad to make it to the shallower water. Finnaly got to the boat with no iceblocks as they melted half of the drinks left and wet.

I was glad to get home that day. After that i didnt go fishing with dad and his mate for sometime and i only went if they knew where they were going lol

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2009 Monduran trip..... need I say more!

Brian opening his esky at the service station and clearing the place, Brian spending some more time trying to unpick his birds nest in braid on the water with the sun quickly setting, Brian trying to wind on his boat without the ratchet on (then trying to grab the handle as Kriso and said boat were sliding back off the trailer).

Notice a commom theme here :-)

Ps - How you did not break some bones in your wrist that night is beyond me!

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My funniest fishing experience was many years ago, fishing for tailor off the beach at Kingscliffe with a mate. It could have ended up a tragedy but fate was kind and ended up hilarious instead. It was quite rough and there was a hot tailor bite on but you needed a big cast to get to them. My mate had just landed a big greenback and after dehooking and rebaiting, super excited went charging into the surf up to his waist to punch out another cast. A big wave rolled in and knocked him over, and his spray jacket acted like a big sea anchor and the wave surfed him up the beach about 100m to dump him on the sand. The whole time I could see his terrified face poking out the front of the wave and his surf rod poking out the back! He had somehow managed to hold onto his surf rod, picked himself up off the sand and wound in another tailor!

I couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the night, and still to this day have a giggle when I think about his face all goggle-eyed sticking out of the wave, then getting dumped, picking himself up off the sand and nonchalantly winding in a fish like nothing had happened!

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ahahahahahhaa classic one tiotony a guy i know that i go with occasionaly has a 2 seater yak and after the succes i had on my first venture 60cm flatty and first lure caught bream, decided to go he doesnt check the weather and its blowing a good 30 knots at cabbage tree point boat ramp and he wants to fish around the powerlines im like :o wat but went along with it we were surfing on breakers made from the wind we get down there do a drift start paddling back up when i look beside us and nothings moving and we started paddling harder still not moving we then got across to a mud island and i called my sister to get the volounteer rescue ( he also didnt hav his phone so if it wasnt for me having mine i hate to think >< ) we get a hold of them and the whole time we are paddling i am getting splashed with water with a 30 knot wind and was freezing probably close to hyperthermia by the time they picked us up needless to say i dont like going out with him or unless we go to paradise point or something. my worse ever trip and scared the shit out of me

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My funniest fishing experience was many years ago, fishing for tailor off the beach at Kingscliffe with a mate. It could have ended up a tragedy but fate was kind and ended up hilarious instead. It was quite rough and there was a hot tailor bite on but you needed a big cast to get to them. My mate had just landed a big greenback and after dehooking and rebaiting, super excited went charging into the surf up to his waist to punch out another cast. A big wave rolled in and knocked him over, and his spray jacket acted like a big sea anchor and the wave surfed him up the beach about 100m to dump him on the sand. The whole time I could see his terrified face poking out the front of the wave and his surf rod poking out the back! He had somehow managed to hold onto his surf rod, picked himself up off the sand and wound in another tailor!

I couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the night, and still to this day have a giggle when I think about his face all goggle-eyed sticking out of the wave, then getting dumped, picking himself up off the sand and nonchalantly winding in a fish like nothing had happened!

Mate was tailor fishing down just a little further south at casuarina, middle of the day and we went down to check the surf, see bait getting smashed just past the second set of breakers. Run to the house, load up rods and bait and come back ot get stuck into them. Only problem? They were out past the second set of breakers, and we can't cast far enough. So we literally swim out srtuff through the gutter and onto the second sand bank, where we land a dozen between the two of us. Were fishign for a feed so by now theres blood and munched up baitfish and pille juice etc EVERYWHERE in the water, see a massive shape cruising down the wave at us, with nowhere to go. Just as I am about to soil myself, the shape veers off, jumps over the wave and teh dolphin swims away! :unsure:

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Also, first time I went fishing in our boat up in PNG with dad (dad doesn't fish, and I was 7) we just went trolling around this reef and beacon close to where we were staying. Sure enough we actually hook something, a mackeral to be specific. I Start to wind it in when I must have flicked the reel into freespool (not understanding gametackle then) and sure enough MASSIVE birds nest. Well what do I do? Grab the line and try and pull it in of course. Line cuts all over my hands, me in teers, mightily sore, and letting off my first swear words hahaha.

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Bwahahahha having a good laugh right now! What were you guys thinking?!

I just remembered another one. The same mate, this time fishing in the Tweed at Chinderah. He guthooked a baby tailor and tried to bite the line off as close as possible to the hook for release. The little tailor jumped forward and latched onto his lower lip and he flailed around a bit with a tailor hanging off his face! the tailor let go and he was left with a perfect half circle of puncture wounds on his bottom lip! Once again I was rolling around uncontrollably laughing at his expense!

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some good ones.

The tailor on the lip something similiar has happened to me when i was young kid. Getting a maribou jig out of a small one next minute stupid thing got my hand and would let go the people around would of thought it was amusing. lil kid with a tailor on waving his hands around with a tailor swinging off it

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