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2 days..2 PB bass


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Following up on my cracker day yesterday with my 51 cm pb I went for a quick flick after work today. Tried my first spot, it looked promising with a lot of surface action. The sun was just starting to set and I had pretty high hopes. Nothing, not even a tap. Fished till sunset and was going to go home when I decided to go and try a spot that I knew would be easy to fish at night. After losing one lure to a good fish and then another to the river, my tackle box was starting to look pretty empty after this week!! I thought about it and decided to use a switchblade. Second cast..BANG!! This fish took off like a rocket and ended up in a patch of fast flowing water. It used that big tail and the fast water to its advantage and it was hard to turn it. Finally after a few tense moments with a dodgy landing net and some very close rocks I managed to get another PB. 54cms. My second in 2 days. Also got another one about 35 to 40. Didn't measure him. Dan.

Very fat, thick and heavy. They're in good condition


I think I was in shock, by the look on my face :)


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