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jumpinpin 1/6/07


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hey guys. Just spent another weekend on a houseboat down at the pin. We left the marina at 330pm about 2 hours late because they were short staffed so e weren't able to get to our first destination:angry: so we anchored at never fail islands. I thought with a name like this we were a sure thing to catch something, how wrong i was. caught 3 rays and a catfish,so gave up and went to bed at 1am.

We spent all saturday and this morning at cobby passage and wow the bream were on fire:woohoo: my mate caught a pb bream 998g or 41cm one of the biggest bream i've seen i managed a few nice bream around 30cm and a 32cm whiting

To tired to go into great detail but i have one funny story ( or is now) we were in knee deep water walking to the sand bank to get some yabbys. 3 of my mates were 15m ahead of me and my mate when they disturbed a stingray, anyway the ray took off but took a right hand towards me and my mate so i have grabbed my mates arm he grabbed me and he squilled like a little girl:laugh: i might have aswell but cant remember:) the ray went straight between me and my mate then about 6 more rays followed so we ran as fast as we ever have and got to the bank to the amusement of my mates who were on the ground crying from laughter. its funny now but i wasn't laughing at the time.

22 bream 27-41cm

17 bream 23-25cm which we threw back

2 whiting

2 flathead

1 squire

1 tarwine

[img size=499]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Picture_122_AFO.jpg


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Rex_Hunt wrote:

jeeze nice catch mate. so the bream r running wild at the pin. are any decent flathead coming throuhg yet or is it still the small stuff. those r some nice bream gd job

Only managed 2 small flathead around 30cm. We have been doing this trip now for 9 years and always in the first week of june and this is the least amount of flathead we have caught. We did go a few months ago for a practice run:P and managed some nice flatties though. There also seemed to be huge numbers of rays, we would have caught 30 of them i reckon!

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