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Bitten by an eel!


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Was fishing off the spit today, caught a decent amount of bream, nothing breathtaking. But halfway through the day I hooked an eel about 70cm ish long, sort of flathead brown colour, got it into the boat and was trying to hold it for a pic when the bugger bit straight through my petective glove, was just wondering what it was? About 70cm, fattish, dark brown, angry!

Cheers guys!

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A moray? awesome! Yeah, was pretty funny, almost knocked my old man out trying to get it off my hand! Yeah, was too busy trying to wrench it off my hand to get a pic of it, went flying into the water when I finally got it off :( stop laughing and feel sorry for me, it hurt! :D probably going back out this week, see what I get attacked by this time :)

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A moray? awesome! Yeah, was pretty funny, almost knocked my old man out trying to get it off my hand! Yeah, was too busy trying to wrench it off my hand to get a pic of it, went flying into the water when I finally got it off :( stop laughing and feel sorry for me, it hurt! :Dprobably going back out this week, see what I get attacked by this time :)

looking forward to your Dad posting up video of your first shark capture :pinch: :lol:

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You need to get yourself to hospital as soon as possible !!!

I heard the doctor needs a laugh :woohoo: :lol:

Sounds like a Moray. Just give your wounds a good wash and a dose of antiseptic. Wish I was there when it happened :silly: :lol: :silly: :P

So do I.

I would like you trying to emulate your avitar photo with an eel.

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