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Blatant Damage


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I am toatly pissed off took the boat down to the ramp at Bribie for a bit of testing after fitting the new stainless manifolds . While I was out on the water some little scum sucking turd used some thing sharp and hard to scratch every panel of my patrol

When I track this little c#%t down he will be sorry his mother ever crapped him out. I am sure it was targeted as the cars around me were not touched, and I had a run in with a f*#k wit in a Lexus pretend 4x4 after the dick head cut betweeen me and a truck to make the Bribie turn off. I flashed the fwit and then the tool started giving me the finger and shaking his fist at me. Up near the sundowner I managed to give him some back and he was still acting the big man. I ended up in front of him when it went down to one lane and fully expected the cock head to follow me into the shell servo, but he was too chicken shit, but it would seem that he returned and damaged my car. The next time some half wit cuts me off while I am towing I am just going to ram them.

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Azza...... i feel your pain, i have had the same thing happen to me, you work hard for something and someone comes and damages your hard earned $$$$$$ :(

Hope things work out for yea mate ;)



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Really sorry to hear that has happened. Some people have no respect for others properties. The only saving grace is they didn't follow you and have an altercation where the sharp implement could've been used to hurt yourself. Hope all goes well with insurance for you.

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such a low act.

as much as it hurts my ego, i always end up brushing incidents like that off. can't enjoy yourself, whether it be on the boat or at the shops. you always end up looking over your shoulder as you can never trust others to be as honourable as you expect them to be.

as ray said, i'd chase up to see if there was any cctv footage.

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Insurance? On the bright side ur truck will look like brand new when u get it repaired, we have done a hell of alot keyed cars and the owners have said afew times now that it's never looked better. I know it's not the point azza but there is a bright side to it, hope u catch em mate


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I don't under stand how a adult could be bothered wasting there time doing this I had a mate put his boat in the water there 2 weeks ago came back to his boat after parking the car and someone had stolen his life jackets hope the prick gets caught

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as an afterthought there is a second perspective. on one hand you act passively and deal with the incompetence of poor behaviour on the roads. while some of us may sleep better thinking that either karma or the law will eventually catch up with them (be it 10 minutes later or 10 months later), the truth of the matter is that these types of people will never put one and one together realise their flaws.

ignoring the issue will also nurture bad behaviour, whilst the best option would have been to take his rego and report it to the police, it's unlikely it will be followed up and these types of people will continue doing what they do because they continually get away with it.

kind of stuck in the middle really, fight back and risk the ramifications but at the same time hopefully get through to these people that we won't stand for it or sit by idly and safely and wait for these types of people to overrun the country one day.

there's my mental contribution and it's only monday morning!

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Thanks for replies gents I will most likly not hunt this tool down but one day our paths will cross again. The new paint will look smick but that means the only car I have that is capable of towing the boat is now going to be in the shop for two weeks. Good thing the forecast is for 18kns on a 3m swell this week end so I wont be too grumpy

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