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Scarborough Breamathon 01/08/11


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I took advantage of the forecast so went out to Scarborough nice and early this morning. It was rougher than expected but not a problem. The target fish was pink bream but they didn't come out to play because the sliver ones did. First bait in the water lasted about 5 minutes and this was the culprit.


A new PB cracking the 40cm mark. It weighed just a touch under 1.4 kgs and she filled the net better than most of the snapper I have been catching lately. It was caught on half a diver whiting attached to a circle hook. The rod was just in the rod holder while I was rigging up some jig heads when it buckled over and started losing line. Not the biggest fight but very impressive as it got closer to the boat.

The next 2 hours saw bream after bream being boated using a mix of mullet flesh and soft plastics. I counted about 20 all up and ALL were legal size. I only kept these 3 as they were enough and all the others looked dwarfed beside the brute.


I zipped across to the cockle banks I think it is, trying for winteries but had no luck with them. I am yet to crack the whiting code but I'll keep trying.

A great week of weather forecast ahead so those who can, make the most of it.



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Thanks fellas. He was a thick bugger too. I don't usually weigh my fish but I had to put this one on the scales.

Good way to spend the last day of holidays rob. Wish I could of come out with ya.


Yeah Dave, was a nice way to finish it off. And it was just like the last time we hit Scarb.... not a pink fish in sight, just bream. They must have all gone to deeper water perhaps?

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