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First time boat hire


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Hey Guys,

Gonna try and hire a small boat for fishing this weekend around bribie or gold coast area depending which way we head...

since i haven't been on one before, any advice on making the best out of it? like where to look for, where to fish etc. Will be using live bait and flicking some plastics for luck...


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I have hired from the bloke at Bribie Island before and he has good boats. The motors always start first time and they are easy to use.

He has good prices as well.

When I hire from him, I usually shoot up towards the creek and there are accouple of old oyster frames up there from a small farm.

I have always gotten good fish up there.

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I used to hire the boats at Bribie a lot before I got my tinny, and still head up there a fair bit. The beat advice I can give is to speak to the bloke u hire the boats off, Dave knows the area better than anyone.

Second beat advice I can give is to fish the bridge pylons, the bank on the mainland side between the bridge and the spinnaker sound marina, and the oyster leases around the mouth of ningi creek which is the first creek u come to heading north. Anywhere else takes too long with the little 4hp but there are plenty of good spots within reach.

There have been some monster flattys taken from that bank near the bridge so you really dont need to go far. Good luck mate!

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If you go from Bribi, north up the passage would be my advice i dont know where the limits are for the hire boats but I have always got flathead on plastics up there and you never know what you will get on livies, have had a couple of unstopables on light gear.

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Thanks for the advice(s) guys, will definitely talk to Dave and see what he suggests.

Should I also try and fish the passage way ? as I always try to cast there when I'm on the land, but never able to since its too far :P

can't wait, just pray for good weather and no gusts :lol:

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If your keen for the Gold Coast area, Rudy Ma's out near Jacobs Well has pretty cheap boat hire, you can fish round the pin all day for a very cheap price, good sized boats too.

by the way, where's this Rudy ma's ? can't seem to find it on website, might keep it as reference next time if i'm around that area.


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