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Shorncliffe Jetty or Hornibrook Bridge?


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Hey guys,

I have noticed quite a few posts regarding the Shorny Jetty and am keen to give the place a go. I haven't fished off there before, so I would like to know what the ideal times would be to wet a line. I am hoping to head down this Saturday in the arvo to catch the tide towards the evening. What bait is recommended, and what fish would I be hoping to catch?

I have fished the Horni bridge a few times before and have had good luck with catching whiting, but I have been told that the bridge has now been dismantled and is out of commission? I am coming from Wacol, so it is a bit of a drive to get out there...was just wondering if anyone knows of any good places that would be close to me? I am not game to try the Brissy river yet after the floods as I am not too keen on the water around the area. I have fished the Jindalee bridge and Goodna boatramp previously, but as I said, am not too keen on eating any of the fish caught from around there.

Any assistance would be great. I am heading to Hamilton Island next week, so I know I will be on to some real nice fish up there, but I need to get my casting arm all prepped up for that, so am keen for a bit of a fish before that.

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There is a fishing platform on the new bridge where the Hornibrook bridge used to be. I haven't fished it yet, so can't give much of a view on it.

Regarding Shorncliffe, a lot of recent reports are pretty detailed and include some youtube video of it. I don't have my weekend planned out yet, but had been considering the Shorncliffe Jetty as an option for Saturday arvo / night. If I land on Shorncliffe though, I'll shoot you a PM and we can have a chat and throw some lines in the water.

Good Luck,


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