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Blade lures strike again "Bribie Action"


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[i couldn't resist the perfect weather report so I snuck out for an early fish last Wednesday morning :P Launching from Spinniker Sound boat ramp I enjoyed perfect conditions all morning. I headed to my first port of call, the canals to try and nail a "Jack" :cheer: After a seeing some surface action by either Jacks or Trevally and not having any luck flicking my blade under the pontoons, I decided to troll them for a while. After about five minutes of trolling, as I went under a bridge I was hit by something big :woohoo: It put up one hell of a fight on my 4lb gear. As it got closer to the boat I saw it was a very nice Trevally. Having seen the boat it took off for one last dash for freedom and managed to get me round a pylon and "snap" :( Not happy Jan :pinch: :pinch:

On the up side it was good to know these lures work well trolled slowly :)

I decided to head under the bridge while the tide was at it's lowest & current. Dropping my blade into 8m of water right next to the pylons I was smashed by a missile of a fish. It felt like a train on my light gear. "snap" :(:( got basted off again round the pylons. This happened 2 more times so I knew there were serious fish down there :)

At the end of my mornings fish I managed to boat a Longtom caught while trolling my vibe, 2 bream under the bridge and a flattie off the oyster leases.

I'm looking forward to returning under the bridge with slightly heavier gear this time :):)

These blades are the "Bomb" and I am happy to answer any questions :):)

Tight lines fellow anglers B)








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In your first thread, Do$tylz (moderator) said -

Adrenalinfish - Please talk to Angus, Johnny or Admin about business advertisements on AFO. Become a site sponsor and you can post as a business selling your wares I'm sure you can understand. We as a community and as website managers like to support and ensure we give a return to those who help support and give returns to this site


Here is the link to the AFO Terms of Use

It is not the intention to scare you away from the site, however this is a tight-knit community with good relations with existing sponsors who have similar products in their range to what you are marketing. So please consider the advice you have received in this and your previous post.

You paint a nice picture of your fishing pursuits, but in the end your posts are being seen by the members as nothing more than an advertisement.

The thread had been locked. Please contact AFO admin to discuss further.

Here are the Terms of Use in text format. I have highlighted some appropriate parts.

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